Thursday 19 June 2014

Lead sheet is a contemporary construction product

Given that most people usually only see lead roofing on historic buildings getting across the message that lead sheet is a product to use in modern construction isn’t always that easy. So the opportunity to co-host a seminar with the respected RIBA journal on the use of BSEN12588 Rolled Lead Sheet wasn’t one to pass by.

The event was held on Monday at The Building Centre in London, and around 60 construction professionals, mainly architects, turned up for a fascinating morning showcasing lead sheet on a range of modern commercial and domestic buildings.

The case studies highlighted, all of which will be written up shortly for an article in RIBA Journal and be featured on the LSA web-site, showed the imaginative use of lead sheet on the roof, as vertical cladding and even as soffits. As one of the speakers put it succinctly ‘Lead gets you out of tricky corners’. The same speaker admitted that in one project he had rejected lead as he felt that copper cladding would provide a better contrast with the brickwork but had learnt how much easier it was to work with lead than copper in the process.

It was also gratifying to hear the frequent references from speakers to the support and advice they had received from the LSA’s technical department.

The lively Q&A session covered subjects’ technical and aesthetic as well as the lack of knowledge about the measures taken in recent years that have drastically reduced the amount of metal theft. There was also an interesting discussion about identifying craftsmen who really can deliver on leadwork as opposed to those who simply say they can.

I had the task of summing up at the end of the morning. I was able to pull from the presentations all the merits of rolled lead sheet – its versatility, cost effectiveness, green credentials but above all how good it looks.

Richard Diment
Executive Manager

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